Fair weather commuter looking to save bus fare or
gas money during the winter? Already bike most of the winter but not
sure how to tackle the snow and ice? Wish you could bike to school and
work more but afraid of the rain?
Come to the bike library's presentation on Safe and
Comfortable Bicycle Commuting Year Round at the Iowa City Public Library
on Saturday Feb. 8! We'll be talking about how to bike safely and
comfortably in all types of weather with an emphasis on how to tackle
cold, snow, and ice on your bike. There will be info on how to stay warm
and dry in inclement weather, how to keep your bike from rusting due to
the snow, ice and rain, and how to keep from slipping on the ice during
the winter. The presentation is free and open to the public. For more info, email us at iowacitybikelibrary [at] gmail.com