Friday, March 30, 2007

Roadside Breakfast, April 6th

Next Friday is another roadside breakfast. Steve & I are heading out of town that morning, so we will be unable to facilitate it. Is there anyone else out there interested in covering it? It runs from 7:30 until 9:30, and I can provide the gritty details for anyone who's thinking about it.


Jen B. said...

I'll bake some foods and take care of opening up. Maybe I can come into work late that day... I'll check & get back to you about that.

Anonymous said...

Uh, where are we goin?

Del said...

I'll be there at 7:15.

Jen B. said...

Thanks to everyone who came by. A total of 11 people stopped in (including me & Del). It was great to see so many smiling faces on this uncharacteristically cold morning! I clearly drank WAAAAAY too much coffee. I'm still a little amped up.

Cody said...

Hooray! Thanks, Jen & Del, for making it happen!

Jen B. said...

Hey Cody,
I hope you guys had a great trip! There are some returned bike forms (or maybe just one?) in the folder for ya.