Saturday, October 28, 2006

Super Trailer!

Very soon we should be getting our new 96" bike trailer as shown here. Yeah, it's a tiny photo. Check out their website if you want to find out more:

Whose flaming forearm is this?

Roadside Breakfast

is this Friday (Nov. 3) from 7:30am until 9:30am, so's all you kids tellin' me you forget all the time have no excuse!

Ladies' Night

is this Thursday (Nov. 2) from 5:30 until 8:00. Oh my, do we ever have fun...

Oh, yeah...

Now that the season is slowing down for the BL, it's time we had a get-together. Anyone have any ideas for what to do? The BL can spring for some pizzas or something of the like.... and maybe the first round.

There's something we can use here, right?

Throughout this week we'll be doing some triage stripping & salvaging of our enormous stash. We'll probably do it like last year... identify usable parts vs. useless and make corresponding piles/bins. Whatever we can't put to some use will be trucked off to the scrap yard.

Anybody who wants to help is welcome. Definitely Tues & Wed, 6-8... maybe more.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bike Club @ Neighborhood Centers

Here are some very fun pics from the Bike Club at Pheasant Ridge Neighborhood Center. The IC Bike Library organized a Bike Club for children participating in the summer camp at the Neighborhood Centers. We brought out bikes and helmets and organized group rides on neighborhood trails. It was a big hit!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Zach Attack!!

sweet Panasonic

Jeremy finished this $50 checkout last night.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bikes on Broadway

Here are a couple of great pics from an event we'll call "Bike's on Broadway." This past spring, Cody G. took a few bikes out to the Broadway neighborhood in Iowa City for a satellite checkout.


winter's a'comin'

For many folks the cycling season is coming to an end, but if you can ride through the cold rain of October and November, snow is an absolute delight.

I'm ready for it, and it's a great time to be at the Bike Library. The intense demands of the summer riding season and returning students give way to more focused repair time (let's talk about project bikes!) and reorganization of our beautiful space.

(That's me in the mirror!)
Cody G.

Hello! This blog is intended for Iowa City Bike Library volunteers to post news or thoughts about bicycle culture and advocacy, and anyone interested is welcome to make comments.

For more info on the BL, check out our website at

Cody G.