Monday, February 05, 2007

Say Thanks to Cody on a Job Well Done!!!

Please join us at 5:30pm on Friday (2/9) at Donnelly’s, 110 E College St. in Downtown IC

(This will be a casual gathering.)

On Friday, Cody will finish her one year commitment as a VISTA/AmeriCorps member working with the Bike Library. Drop by and join us in celebration of her accomplishments and in gratitude for her hard work and dedication.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your hard work and dedication, Cody! And thanks to you too, Brian, not only for putting this together but also for starting this here Bike Library! Hope to see everyone there Friday

Michael said...


a great big 'thanks to you' cody...!

thank you bike library...!


Anonymous said...

yay for cody! everyday should be a cody appreciation day!

Anonymous said...

I often furrow my candlelit brow in quiet ponderance of Cody's glum steadfastness and fortitude. Chin up, Cody.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cody!

Cody said...

Glum? Really...? I thought I smiled too much.

I think tonight should also be a thank you to Brian. He made the Bike Library possible, and his input is still indispensable. What a brain on that guy!