Always carry H2O! Install an extra water bottle cage to your bike frame.
If you get a flat, find shade to repair or replace your tube. This sometimes takes longer than it should and standing in the heat without the breeze from the bicycle can wear you out faster than you might think.
Consider wearing a light colored helmet with lots of vents. If you a dark colored helmet and can't afford purchasing a second, we suggest considering this option next time you buy. Remember: a helmet's life is three-five years, and if you do crash, always replace immediately.
Wear a pattern in muggy/hot weather to mask sweat stains. Floral patterns work especially well. -Simply Bike
Wear lighter colored clothing. Khakis, white, and pastels make for a cooler ride.
Wrap a cold bandana around your neck while riding.
Keep an extra H2O bottle in the freezer to grab on your way out.
Golf and tennis style shirts are often made with technical fabrics like Lycra and spandex. For those anti-spandex types, these styles are often formal enough to wear to the office and perfect for jaunts around town.
Ladies – wearing simple solid colored biking shorts under a skirt or dress guarantees a cool & breezy, non-flashy, yet fashionable fashionable ride.
Enjoy the ride and slow down.
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