Saturday, January 03, 2015

Iowa City Bike Library has moved to 840 S. Capitol St!

The Iowa City Bike Library is happy to announce the location of our new home at 840 S. Capitol St.  Our hope is to open toward the end of January 2015 and plan to keep our patrons updated on the exact date via our website and social media outlets, including Facebook and Twitter.  We will not be accepting donations or offering any other bike library services during this transition. 

Click below for a map to the new shop:

The new location is still within walking distance of downtown Iowa City just south of Burlington St, situated in the same building as Iowa Business Supply and kiddie corner from the Benton St. recycling center.  The entrance will be at the back of the building- you can see the Johnson County Health Department from our entrance.

We'd like to thank our patrons and our generous community members for your continued support and donations to the ICBL! 

An additional THANK YOU to all the volunteers who dedicated time to help us with heavy lifting and loading of trucks in early December on our official moving day.

Please email with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your patience during this very exciting time! 

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