Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Thanks BIC, World of Bikes and Geoff's!!!

The generous members of Bicyclists of Iowa City donated a dozen bikes to children that are part of Big Brothers/Big Sister of Johnson County. The Bike Library donated helmets and World of Bikes and Geoff’s Bike and Ski donated the labor to assemble the bikes and gave all the kids locks. The shops also purchased the bikes a cost. WE LOVE OUR LOCAL BIKE SHOPS!!! Please give them your patronage!


Anonymous said...

Nice work!

Cody said...

I was lucky enough to be there at the moment this photo was taken. This little girl was so excited about her new bike. The whole time she was being fitted for her helmet by Ryan, she kept both hands on her bike as well as that big smile!

Thanks, too, to Big Brothers/Big Sisters for doing all the work to match kids with bikes!