Friday, January 19, 2007

Current Schedule

Saturday, January 20 : Checkout 10 - 1

Tuesday, January 23 : Work Night 6 - 8

Thursday, January 25 : Work Night 6 - 8

Saturday, January 27 : Checkout 10 - 1

Tuesday, January 30 : Work Night 6 - 8

Thursday, February 1 : Ladies' Night 5:30 - 8

Friday, February 2 : Roadside Breakfast 7:30 - 9:30

Saturday, February 3 : Checkout 10 - 1

Checkout means the Bike Library is open to the public, which is the only time we check out bikes. Work Night are those times the Bike Library is closed to the public but open for volunteers to do more focused work. Ladies' Night is open shop time for women only. Roadside Breakfast is the monthly free breakfast for bicycle (and pedestrian) commuters.


Anonymous said...

Also for the schedule, the long anticipated and procrastinated Iowa City Bike Library Rental Bench is ready to go!

I am going to be at the BL this Sunday from 2 to 4 and just see how it goes. We DO have a basic set of rules, guidelines, costs, etc ready to go and I will post them here soon.

Basically if your bike needs a fixin and you know how to do it but lack a wonderful workspace than this is the place and time for you.

More to follow!

Cody said...

This will also be open shop time for volunteers. Now, that doesn't mean you can "volunteer" only on Sundays to always work on your own stuff. You've got to put in some true volunteer time during the week in order to get personal time, or you gotta pay the rental bench fee.

I figure this is something everyone probably understands, but it has to be said anyway.

Now that it's said, I've got to add that I'm pretty excited to see what kinds of projects volunteers will be working on, as well as the projects that will occupy the rental bench.